Summer's Spotlight: Lemonade Day Connects Young Entrepreneurs to Mentors

Summer’s Spotlight: Lemonade Day Connects Young Entrepreneurs to Mentors

ELKHART COUNTY, Ind. -- Lemons never tasted so sweet!

Meet our main squeeze with Junior Achievement and Lemonade Day, Megan Hartman.

The Elkhart County director joined Summer's Spotlight to highlight the various ways your child can learn about business through the traditional lemonade stand this summer.

Lemonade Day 2023. 1 Lemonade Day 2023. 2 Lemonade Day 2023. 3 Lemonade Day 2023. 4 Lemonade Day 2023. 5

The day is focused on connecting children with their inner businessperson with help from community mentors.

Building lemonade stands with Kem Krest and Lippert! 1 Building lemonade stands with Kem Krest and Lippert! 2 Building lemonade stands with Kem Krest and Lippert! 3 Building lemonade stands with Kem Krest and Lippert! 4 Building lemonade stands with Kem Krest and Lippert! 5

Junior Achievement is putting out the call to local businesses and community members to help as a "Sweet Spot" or to join in directly with the kids as a mentor.

To register for future entrepreneur or learn more about hands on learning experience, visit
