South Bend Cubs hosts Holiday Extravaganza December 3

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - The South Bend Cubs will host the eighth annual Holiday Extravaganza on December 3 at Four Winds Field.

The event runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

During this time, kids can meet Santa and Mrs. Claus, participate in a scavenger hunt, enjoy free hot chocolate and cookies, and write letters to Santa.

Prior to and during the event, kids can also help the South Bend Cubs team decorate the tree in the Cubs Den.

Parents can now download the ornament template. Ornaments are also available to decorate inside the Team Store.

The Cubs will accept ornaments through December 24.

After the new year, staff will draw five names to win a South Bend Cubs prize pack, including one grand prize of four tickets to a South Bend Cubs game, two Fun Zone wristbands, and a chance to throw out the first pitch.

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