SBPD rebrands with new uniform and patch

NOW: SBPD rebrands with new uniform and patch

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- New uniforms and a badge to match, the South Bend Police Department is undergoing a time of re-branding. The department unveiled their new look Thursday afternoon.

Chief of Police Scott Ruskowski said he was humbled with the release of the new department patch. “it’s a DNA change, how we operate internally. So we can be the best that we can be externally.”

After restructure and reorganization Ruszkowski said the South Bend Police Department has changed internall. “Structurally, we have the skeleton in place, externally this would be the skin.”

The new patch was designed specifically for the department. Everyone in the department was involved in the process, and voted on the result.

The one they have now is from the mid to late 70s, but the new patch has history too.

When the South Bend Police Department’s was founded in 1903, the original patch was the exact triangle shape of the new one.

And if you look really close at the new design, there is another triangle, a component from the original patch.

Now the city seal is worn with the department’s acronym, which can now be found all over the department’s facilities.

“SBPD, service bravery pride dedications. That’s just another set of values and morals we live by. Our honesty, integrity, and accountability, responsibility are all incorporated.” Ruskowski said.

All-inclusiveness, uniformity, and wear and tear are factors playing into the new uniforms.

“Whether I’m the chief of police, or I’m a first class patrol officer that’s out there on the streets every day, my message should be identical to their message.” Ruskowski explained.

Body cameras, a part of the department’s external change, created a need beyond uniformity for new uniforms.

The company agreed to pay for a certain amount of uniform shirts for the department.

The police department furnished three new patches for each officer. Officers are to buy any other additional patch not provided by the department.

“The cost did come when it comes to the pants that go with it. So overall the grand total that we’re looking at is 15 thousand dollars total, and that’s going to be cut in half with purchases of the patch,” the Chief of Police said.

As the department looks to hire every day, the new patches can used as a recruitment component.

The department isn’t required to wear the new patches until January first.

The designer of the patch and new graphics on the squad cars, Brian Galbreath doesn’t like the limelight, but the department says he deserves recognition.

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