Paczki Ball raises funds for Polish language school

NOW: Paczki Ball raises funds for Polish language school

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The Saint Joseph Young Men's Society held a fundraiser this afternoon, gathering in cash to help fund their polish language school.

The fundraiser was in the form of a paczki ball, featuring traditional polka music as well as plenty of food and dancing to keep spirits high.

They also conducted tours of their polish school classroom, giving everyone interested a glimpse at what is taught. 

"Lent is coming up with Ash Wednesday, coming up this Wednesday, so it's the last day to enjoy and party, and so we have PACKZI food, sausage and everything, and we're trying to keep the Polish traditions going. That's the whole point of all of this. We are the, really, the last Polish club in south bend. So we're trying to keep the Polish traditions going, keep them alive for the younger people and everything. And that's what this is all about. It's PACKZI ball day," President of the Saint Joseph Young Men Society Terry Litka.

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