More than 12,500 pounds of empty water bottles recycled through Benton Harbor High School program
Posted: May 6, 2022 12:17 PM EST
BENTON HARBOR, Mich. – More than 12,500 pounds of empty water bottles have been recycled through a recycling program at Benton Harbor High School.
The plastic water bottle recycling program is offered during the State of Michigan’s water bottle distribution hours each week.
More than 12.5 million bottles of free water have been handed out since September 2021.
When residents pick up water at the distribution site, they’re encouraged to also take home 33-gallon, clear plastic bags so empty bottles can be returned and recycled
Caps can be left on the bottles but do not need to be in order to be recycled.
Only water bottles are being accepted at the site.
Plastic bags for recycling can also be delivered to residents and empty bottles can be picked up during homebound deliveries.