More stimulus money on the way

NOW: More stimulus money on the way

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. - Congress approved the third COVID-19 stimulus package Wednesday morning - the $1.9 trillion relief bill will provide $1,400 stimulus checks. The bill being called the American Rescue Plan is now on its way to President Biden - it’s expected to be signed into law this Friday. 

For Carlos Mejia, a Teacher at South Bend Schools, he hopes it will bring more stability for his students.

“Hopefully this will be a support system for parents who just don’t have enough resources. Who don’t have enough time on their hands to you know to attend to all their needs at home,” said Mejia. 

Unlike the previous stimulus checks, this one will provide an enhanced child tax credit for parents. A credit one South Bend mom hopes to use to continue working from home and homeschooling her children.

“Basically just helping out more with my business just cause I can’t work due to COVID and my kids are not in school right now so and just stock up on some essential things for the home. More food and I guess probably take a mini-vacation not nothing too big though,” said Katia, Mother and Owner of Fearless Fit. 

The relief bill also addressing schools will allocate $130 billion to modify classroom ventilation allowing students and teachers to safely return to in-person learning.

“I’m really glad to see so much money being poured into making it safer for us to go back to school. I recently received my first vaccine shot and it definitely puts me in a better mindset to go back into school,” said Mejia. 

With many Americans still struggling to make ends meet they’re hoping the combination of their tax return checks with this third stimulus can help them get back on their feet.

“This help has been a long time coming I’m finally glad to see it come through, but this is not the last time people will need that help,” said Mejia. 

The highly anticipated bill is still missing one of President Biden’s key proposals regarding minimum wage. 

The President was hoping to raise it to $15, but that hike was not approved.
