Mayor Mueller joins crews to fill potholes across South Bend

NOW: Mayor Mueller joins crews to fill potholes across South Bend

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- With temperatures rising, The City of South Bend is shifting from temporary road repairs to a more permanent solution.

South Bend’s Street Program dedicates funding to the worst roads first and the condition of the streets are evaluated every year to determine which areas need the most attention.

Mayor James Mueller joined crews that are out in full force to help fill these craters

“I'm sure drivers moving around the city have noticed more potholes coming, and they do form more and more as we go through the freeze thaw cycle repeatedly here as we move into full spring and then in the summertime,” said Mueller. “So, we're trying to make sure these streets stay drivable throughout this season and look forward to the paving season beginning in short order."

Mayor Mueller mentioned the city invests more than 9 million dollars in road maintenance each year.

Last year they filled more than 37,000 potholes and that work is a year-round problem with the Midwest freeze thaw cycle.

“We hope that we continue, as we continue to get to more streets and they're in better condition, that we will see fewer potholes around the city,” said Mueller.

Due to unpredictable weather crews can only use temporary patches right now, a long term “hot patch” will be installed once asphalt plants open next month.

Eric Horvath, the city’s Public Works Director says you can see which roads the city plans to pave online next month.

“What's on there now is 24 and the roads that we did, but we'll be updating that in a couple of weeks, so you'll see the new paving plan, but the streets plan will show the condition of every road in the entire city,” said Horvath.

Officials say certain streets within city limits are state roads. To report a pothole in the locations below you can report them by calling INDOT Northwest at 1.855.463.6848.


State Road 23 South Bend Avenue
Eddy Street
Sample Street between Eddy and Chapin
Chapin South of Sample Street
Prairie Avenue,
State Road 933/US 31
Lincoln Way East
Main Street
