Made in Michiana: Janus Motorcycles

GOSHEN, Ind. - Our Made in Michiana series continues at a Goshen motorcycle shop where two guys are drawing worldwide attention with their vintage designs.

Janus Motorcycles is made up of only a handful of guys and they all work out of a small downtown garage.

"We're basically taking the greatest bikes of the last 100 years and updating them with a state of the art motor and modern electronics," said owner Richard Worsham. 

The vision started when Worsham and fellow owner Devin Biek grew tired of working on other people's designs.

"That really motivated us to say what if we make our own bike," said Biek. "Something we perfect. Something we see truly beautiful."

 The result has been turning heads ever since.

" We built this kind of ground up from scratch vintage pedal type moped," said Worsham.

Now they are sending their Michiana-made designs  all over the world.

"We have bikes in England, Holland, Brazil, Russia and all over coast to coast in the US," said Biek.

No matter how far they're shipped the work has always remained local.

"We've been able to keep 85% pf our manufacturing within a 20 mile radius of our manufacturing facility and we're quite proud of that," said Biek.

The premise of their designs play off the  belief that everything old is new again. The vintage designs looks like something from years past, but still tops out at a practical 55 miles per hour. It's striking a chord with millennials, especiallyl among young urban professionals.

"The most common thing we get is: I've never seen myself riding a motorcycle, but I saw your bike and I've got to have one," said Worsham.

Right now they're  manufacturing around twenty bikes a year .

"We have no goal to be a Honda or anything like that," said Worhsam.

"We want to get to manufacturing two to three thousand bikes a year but still maintain what we founded the company on," added Biek.

No matter how big the company gets the guys say these bikes will always remain Made in Michiana. 

The base models of these bikes start at $5,300 with several upgrades offered. 

For more information visit the Janus website by clicking here

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