Local mason finds use for bricks at demolition site

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Most people would see this as a useless pile of rubble.  For others, like Russ Luchies - this mound of bricks is more like a mound of gold. 

"They do not make eight inch brick anymore," says Russ Luchies, Masonry Division Manager of Slatile Roofing and Restoration Company.  "There is no place out there that is making these."

Buildings like this were built by German masons almost 100 years ago, using a very old style of brick; one that has a lot of value to anyone who values historical structures. 

“It is extremely important to us and that is why these bricks have a sense of value to the city of South Bend, “ says Luchie.

Luchies collects historically significant bits of architecture and re-uses them on historical buildings needing restoration.

“We are going to take thousands and thousands of these bricks and we are working with Jackson Construction to save as much as this as we can to use on the artisan buildings of this town.”

Luchies has a passion for preserving South Bend's architectural legacy.  He works with the city's historic preservation committee. 

It will be about three to four weeks until these bricks will be useable for other building restorations.  

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