Local authorities provide traffic and parking tips ahead of Friday's College Football Playoff game

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Three local law enforcement agencies came together on Wednesday to provide crucial parking and traffic information ahead of Friday's College Football Playoff game at Notre Dame Stadium.

The biggest piece of advice given was to arrive early. With an extremely large crowd expected and weather conditions to be determined, the easiest thing visitors can do to ensure they arrive with plenty of time is to leave for the game early.

"We rely on everyone working together to make sure it's a safe day for everyone," said Notre Dame Chief of Police Keri Kei Shibata. "Thanks for paying attention to the safety information so that we can all have a great day together and we look forward to seeing you on Friday."

The Notre Dame parking lots will open at 8 a.m. and will remain open until gametime at 8 p.m. They will close during the game and reopen for about three hours immediately following the game.

The Burke Golf Cours lot will only remain open for two hours after the conclusion of the game.

Weather forecasts currently predict at least some levels of wind, with high winds likely. Authorities are reminding all tailgaters to secure all property and tents. If winds get too high, tents may be asked to be taken down.

For those who do not want to drive in the traffic or worry about parking, there will be many buses heading to campus from downtown and other locations.

For those who will be paying to park, no cash will be accepted, card only.

There are no open flames, propane, or charcoal allowed at any tailgate on campus, and only clear bags will be allowed in the stadium.

Medical bags are exempt from the clear bag policy, but do require additional screening

Magnetometers or metal detectors will also be used.

"The SBPD is very excited to be a part of this historic event at Notre Dame," South Bend Police Lieutenant Brad Rohrscheib. "We're going to help make this a very safe and enjoyable event for everyone involved, on campus and around campus."

With the game being on a Friday instead of a traditional college football Saturday, traffic patterns will be different than typical gamedays.

"Our inbound pattern is going to run from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. so, roadways that are close to campus during inbound traffic will be in a one-way pattern towards campus," Rohrscheib said. "After the game, during our outbound patterns, all those roadways will turn into one ways going away from campus."

The outbound pattern will start very close to the end of the game if not shortly before.

"With the weather coming, we have been in communication with the South Bend Street Department as well as the IDOT and they are prepared to make sure all the major roadway and arteries close to campus are maintained in preparation for that weather on Friday," Rohrscheib said.

Outside of the city limits, the St. Joseph County Police are focusing on Douglas Road and the traffic that can back up on Ironwood Road, between Douglas and Cleveland.

"From the County side, we know Douglas Road will be a very, very busy road," said SJCPD Sergeant Aris Lee. "We encourage people who live in the area to maybe get off work early and get home. With our traffic pattern, outbound Douglas Road will be one way going eastbound from campus all the way to Ironwood."

"We encourage people who are not going to the game, if you're going out to the [University Park] mall area to use Cleveland Road. If you come down Douglas Road toward the mall area, you will be turned around at Ironwood and Douglas because that is all going to be one-way traffic.

The county plans to have inbound traffic patterns in effect from 4 p.m. to about 7:30 p.m. on Friday.

For updates on traffic, parking, and other gameday information, text UNDFB24 to 226787 (CAMPUS) for alerts, or visit Experience Notre Dame.

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