Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch visits South Bend as a part of her 'Mental Health Community Conversations' tour

NOW: Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch visits South Bend as a part of her ’Mental Health Community Conversations’ tour

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Indiana Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch was in South Bend today as part of her tour of Mental Health Community Conversations across Michiana.

Crouch was joined by local and state mental health providers at the Saint Joe County Public Library to share the challenges they're seeing when it comes to getting Hoosiers the mental health help they need, and to celebrate the progress being made with the opening of the Oaklawn's Saint Joseph County Crisis Center.

"We're all in it together. The federal government alone can't solve this problem. The state alone can't solve this problem. Locals alone can't solve this problem. The private sector alone can't solve this problem. But if we all work together, we can absolutely solve this problem and get help to those that struggle and those that need it so that they can be happy, healthy members of their families or communities in the workforce," stated Crouch.

Crouch also states that securing enough funding this upcoming budget season, that begins in January, will be crucial to continue the work being done with mental health and addiction locally and statewide. 

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