‘Kick-A-Can’ Paint Program gears up for its last year

ELKHART, Ind. -- Elkhart Mayor Tim Neese is getting ready for the last year of the ‘Kick-A-Can’ Paint Program.

The program helps residents buy paint to update the exteriors of their homes. Mayor Neese has been involved with the program for 31 years.

It all started when Mayor Neese was a member of the Elkhart City Council in 1988 and has helped an estimated 400 families since then.

The end of the program comes as Mayor Neese finishes his final year as Mayor of Elkhart.

Funding for the program is provided by a year-round recycling project and individual contributions. Paint is donated by Sherwin Williams and Rollie Williams Paint Spot.

Those wishing to be in the program must live in the Elkhart City limits, own a home or garage that needs to be painted and must be financially unable to purchase the paint on their own. Recipients must provide the labor for the painting.

To apply or donate to the program, contact Mayor Neese’s office at 574-294-5471 ext. 1041.

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