IUSB students, community members watch local returns in real-time

NOW: IUSB students, community members watch local returns in real-time

SOUTH BEND, Ind. --- The American Democracy Project held an election night watch party on Tuesday night. 

Eventgoers tuned into the television to catch the latest midterm returns. Some of the winners earned cheers, and others did not. 

The group has held several debates and forums during the election season. Rodget Pintel, with the group, said the county commissioner and South Bend school board debates were the most attended. 

“There was really, really good focus and good engagement from the public when it came to where specific funds had gone in the past,” he said. “And why so I think you saw in those debates a lot of the candidate and the incumbent were really answering some tough questions.”

Watch the clip above for more information. 

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