First grade Webster Elementary student passes away from rare brain cancer

PLYMOUTH, Ind. - Webster Elementary mourns the loss of a first-grade student who brought joy to everyone around him. 

After 17 months of battling a rare brain cancer, Carter King passed away peacefully in his home surrounded by family. 

At five years old, King was diagnosed with DIPG in the summer of 2022, a tumor that can't be removed and has no cure. 

"He’s gone through 42 radiation sessions, multiple medications, which all held off its growth for a while, but now his body has had enough," wrote his mother, Joanna King, on King's Go Fund Me page. "[…] He is just a beautiful soul and I’ve never met anyone like him before even if he is still so young."

Despite the terminal diagnosis, King's mom wrote that her son was the best person to go to for love and support. 

He maintained a spunky and endearing spirit. 

This past weekend, his body had enough. 

According to a Facebook post, King's brain will be donated to science. 

King's school, Webster Elementary, hosted counseling and grief sessions for classmates and faculty from Dustin's Place, Bowen Center and school counselors. 

View King's Go Fund Me, set up by his family, to help cover expenses and relieve financial stress during this challenging time. 

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