Eric Logan’s death sparks many changes across South Bend two years later

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. – Wednesday marks the second anniversary of Eric Logan’s death, and many changes have happened to South Bend since then. One of those changes happening today. The Board of Public Safety has officially approved a new Use of Force Policy for the South Bend Police Department.

The new policy urges de-escalation and limits the use of deadly force when an officer faces an imminent threat to themselves or the public.

Changes are being felt by many. Logan’s family hosted a vigil on Wednesday at 6 pm at Central High Apartments to honor his life.

Logan was fatally shot by Sergeant Ryan O’Neill on June 16, 2019. at 3:30 am when he was allegedly breaking into cars at the parking lot of Central High Apartments. O’Neill responded to the report of someone wearing all black breaking windows.

When he arrived, O’Neill said that he found Logan in one of the vehicles and came at him with a knife, throwing it at the officer. O’Neill fired two shots, killing Logan.

However, O’Neill never turned on his police-issued body camera, leaving the incident undocumented.

ABC57 spoke with Tyree Bonds, Eric Logan’s brother; Pastor Claval Hunter of Faith in Indiana; Josh Reynolds, South Bend Community Police Review Office Director; and Josh Morgan of the South Bend Fraternal Order of Police.
