Elkhart GOP files for recount after 6 vote loss to Mishler

ELKHART, Ind. - The Elkhart City Common Council District 1 is headed for a recount. 

Following municipal elections on November 7, both candidates, incumbent Aaron Mishler (D) and Nicole Read (R), received 50 percent of votes, with Mishler getting 491 votes and Read 485.

Now, following a two-week deadline, per Indiana law, to file for a recount, Dan Holtz, the Chair of Elkhart's Republican Party, filed a Petition for Recount to County Circuit Court Judge Christofeno.

The recount comes at a cost to the Republican party. 

The filing fee costs $157.00 and, in addition, a $100 bond to recount up to 10 precincts. 

The recount commission and election board will meet soon to conduct a recount. 

If the recount changes the election outcome, the fees will be refunded. 


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