Elkhart County Parks to host Dutch Oven Pizza Lunch

ELKHART, Ind. - - Elkhart County Parks will be hosting a Dutch Oven Pizza Lunch on Saturday, Jan. 25, at the Baldwin One Room Schoolhouse in Bonneyville Mill County Park starting at 11 a.m. until noon. 

Elkhart County Parks says "Join the Elkhart County Parks for a Dutch Oven Pizza Lunch. Sign up alone or with a group up to five to make and bake a simple pizza for lunch. Each person will assemble a pizza with provided toppings and then bake it in a Dutch oven for a hot fresh pizza lunch. Courtney Franke (Bonneyville Miller) will discuss Dutch oven / cast iron cooking tips while the pizza's bake."

All ages are encouraged to attend but those 17 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult.

The event has required preregistration with tickets available now starting at $8 per person. Those interested can preregister and get additional information on their website or Facebook Page. Interested participates must register by Jan. 23 to secure a ticket.

For questions or to get more information about the event, you can reach out to Courtney Franke via email at [email protected] or call 574-538-1466.

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