Driver injured and cited in two-vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon

ELKHART COUNTY, Ind. -- The Elkhart County Sheriff's Office reports deputies responded to C.R. 26 and C.R. 3 around 4:28 p.m. on Tuesday for a two-vehicle crash.

The report states a 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee, driven by 24-year-old Shayla Sotebeer of Elkhart, was traveling west at the intersection of C.R. 26 and C.R. 3.

Authorities say that's when Sotebeer entered the intersection pulling out in front of a 2015 Chevy Silverado, driven by a 21-year-old Knox man, that was traveling south and had no stop sign.

Sotebeer and her two passengers, both juveniles, were taken to Elkhart General Hospital.

Sotebeer suffered wrist and hip pain while her passengers were uninjured.

The 21-year-old Knox man refused treatment at the scene.

Sotebeer was cited for Disregard a Stop Sign, and Expired Plates.   

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