UPDATE: Fitzpatrick Hall evacuated on campus of Notre Dame Thursday for chemical spill

NOTRE DAME. Ind. -- UPDATE: University of Notre Dame officials report Notre Dame and South Bend Fire Departments responded to a chemical spill at Fitzpatrick Hall around 3:30 p.m., Thursday.

Officials say the building was evacuated and four people were evaluated for exposure to the chemical spill.

According to officials, the four individuals were cleared at the scene.

University officials say by the time fire crews arrived, traces of the chemical were no longer present, and the building was reopened later that day.

ORIGINAL STORY: The University of Notre Dame reported a building was evacuated around 3:30 p.m., Thursday, following an alarm going off.

University officials say the Notre Dame Fire Department responded to the alarm and crews are currently assessing the situation.

There's no further information at this time.

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