Judicial Misconduct: An ABC57News follow-up on a special investigation

Judicial Misconduct: An ABC57News follow-up on a special investigation

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY. Ind. -- St. Joseph County Probate Court Judge Jason Cichowicz is now responding to allegations he mishandled a mentally ill millionaire's money.

Russell Cartwright died in October 2023 and Judge Cichowicz inherited his estate estimated at $7-$8 million dollars.

After refusing multiple interview offers from ABC57News, Judge Cichowicz has now posted a 15-minute video defending his actions and describing his relationship with Cartwright, who Cichowicz once represented in a divorce before becoming his power of attorney.

Anne Redhead is Cartwright's estranged daughter. She has never spoken publicly about her father, his mental illness and its impact on their family.

She contacted ABC57News Anchor Brian Conybeare for an interview but did not directly address the judge's alleged actions on the advice of her own attorney.

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