A tale of two cities, shows how warming can vary

NOW: A tale of two cities, shows how warming can vary

The historic heat wave in the southwest has burned through the headlines, and rightfully so as records have been shattered, from blistering heat. As of August 2nd, Phoenix has had 35 days with highs above 110 degrees, including a streak of 31 continuous days, that set many new records.

The heat across the southwest has been beyond significant but for the other half of the continental United States summer has been mostly mild.

Climate Central

Record breaking climate events are not typically evening dispersed. They are still a product of the weather pattern, one that can become more and more extreme in a positive feedback loop of an expanding heat dome. A heat dome that tilted the weather pattern in July, to a Norwesterly flow in the northeast, causing more frequent rainfall and cooler temperatures.

Similarly, and possibly forgotten in the broiling daily headlines, the Eastern United States saw an equal if not more significant heat wave, this winter. January 2023 was one of, or in the case of New England the warmest on record.


A snapshot comparison between Phoenix so far this summer and South Bend this past winter is a thought-provoking narrative on Climate Change.

Both saw a significant warm spell this year, just at different times of the year. Warming is happening nearly everywhere, but the impacts by season often vary.

There’s a deeper thought to think about. You’ve likely heard of snowbirds that fly to vacation homes in Arizona or Florida to beat the harsh winter weather in the north. If the climate continues to warm will this process reverse? Will there be fewer snowbirds or will there be new firebirds that leave to beat the extreme summer heat?

This is the deeper issue of climate change, how “we always did things” is changing, quickly.
