Wildlife Walk in Elkhart showcasing beavers
Posted: Nov 2, 2020 3:51 PM EDT
ELKHART, Ind. – Ox Bow County Park will be having a wildlife Walk showcasing beavers on Saturday, November 7.
The wildlife Walk starts at 9:00 a.m. till 10:30 a.m. and will be ran by naturalist looking for Indiana’s aquatic architect.
This program is to highlight the habits of the beaver like looking for chewed branches, logged trees, and a beaver lodge.
This program is free, but registration is required.
Visitors and staff are required to wear masked and practice social distancing during the wildlife walk.
To join the Wildlife Walk, visitors are asked to meet at the Black Maple Shelter in Ox Bow Count Park. Park admission will be waived for all participants.
To sign up or more information visit their website.