Thanksgiving turkey option now available for tube fed people

NOW: Thanksgiving turkey option now available for tube fed people

CHESTERTON, Ind.-- Make room for an extra seat at the table. Thanksgiving just got a little more inclusive for those who get their food through tubes.

Thanks to Tony and Julie Bombacino behind real food blends, a traditional thanksgiving feast of Turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans and peaches are on the menu for the first time ever for people who are tube fed. 

For half a million tube fed people across the country, doctors prescribe diets usually reliant on a mixture of corn syrup.

Taking matters into their own hands, they created six different blended meal options. 

The couple says their turkey blend isn't only for their physical well being, but for social reasons as well. 

 "That's the thing I think we all want to be included. Special needs children, including those who can eat, but there's a lot that goes on at that dinner tab;e that has nothing to do with the food actually. It has to do with the family and the friends that are there," said co-owner of the company, Julie Bombacino.

The Bombacino's have made it their mission to continue making these 100 percent real food options available to everyone. 

They are covered by the majority of public and private insurance companies with a prescription from your doctor.
