Transpo sees increase in ridership

NOW: Transpo sees increase in ridership

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Transpo is seeing a bump from its COVID-19 slump, with bus ridership at an all-time high since the pandemic began more than four years ago.

Last month, ridership went up more than 24 percent, making a 14.5 percent increase compared to April of 2023.

As ridership increases, so is staffing.

Worker shortages have led to missed trips, but Transpo general manager and CEO Amy Hill says in April, of more than 9,400 rides, only six were missed.

She adds that Notre Dame ridership also made a substantial rise, up 27 percent from last year.

This all comes as Transpo is set to reconfigure routes and bus stops as part of its connect transit plan, starting at the end of the summer.

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