Title IX complaint filed against Goshen Schools

GOSHEN, Ind. -- Goshen Community Schools confirmed an anonymous complaint was filed against the district for allegations they violated Title IX for inequity in the softball facility, for girls, compared to the baseball facility, for boys, at Goshen High School.

The complaint was filed with the US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.

The district says it will provide information requested by the office and will cooperate with the investigation.

Goshen schools released a statement about the complaint:

GCS administrators desire to provide the best facilities for all student-athletes. Goshen High School sits in a location that is, for all intents and purposes, land locked. Additional athletic fields cannot simply be added to the high school campus. However, the GCS administration has, and continues to explore real estate acquisition near Goshen High School and other GCS properties, to build new competition facilities.

The varsity and junior varsity baseball teams playing at different locations is less than optimal. Additionally, all baseball and softball fields suffer from exposure to inclement weather, causing “rainouts.” All GHS student-athletes should be proud of their facilities and experience a “home field advantage.” To achieve that end, GCS administrators will continue to explore viable options which will allow our student-athletes, especially baseball and softball players, to participate in and enjoy top quality competition experiences.

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