Starting Monday, parts of Linden Avenue will close until June

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The City of South Bend has announced that starting Monday, March 18, Linden Avenue from Birdsell to College streets will be closed as construction begins on the Linden Avenue Streetscape Project.

The three intersections in this three-block stretch will also be closed.

Work includes:

  • Raised intersections with pedestrian safety bumpouts on Linden Avenue at College and Birdsell streets,
  • Raised pedestrian crossing on Linden Avenue west of Wilber Street
  • Replacement of curb and sidewalks
  • New water main, storm and sanitary sewers, street trees, decorative lighting, pavement and landscaping.

"As part of its implementation of the Kennedy Park Neighborhood Plan, the City of South Bend is making streetscape improvements to Linden Avenue in coordination with the Martin Luther King, Jr., Dream Center project," city officials said. "The project aims to encourage commercial and residential investment, promote safety and calm traffic."

The detour route will be Studebaker and Brookfield streets via Orange Street. Construction is expected to be completed by mid-June, weather permitting.

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