South Bend restaurant hosts “Cup with a Cop”

NOW: South Bend restaurant hosts “Cup with a Cop”

SOUTH BEND, Ind. – The community on Tuesday got a chance to meet and have a conversation with officers from South Bend Police Department over a cup of coffee at the South Bend Café.

The purpose of “Cup with a Cop” is make it easier for everyone in the community to have a discussion with police about anything they may not know about.

“I’ve had some good conversations,” Lieutenant Mike Ingle with the South Bend Police Department said. "I’ve had some good results with explaining some things to people that they may not quite understand about how police work works, why we do things, how we do things.”

If you were not able to attend “Cup with a Cop,” the Department says not to worry as there will be more opportunities to have a conversation with police officers in the future.

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