South Bend Police Department discusses community crime statistics for November 2023

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - The South Bend Police Department discussed their crime statistics in the city for November 2023, showing minimal changes in shots fired/calls for service from last month. 

In last month's crime stats meeting, officials discussed a significant spike in calls for shots fired for October 2023, an issue they had hoped to address with a now fully staffed department and by putting more officers on the streets. 

The month-to-month statistics show the number slightly decreasing from 125 calls for shots fired in October to 124 in November, though not all calls are confirmed shootings. 

South Bend Police Department

Here's the breakdown by region compared to crime statistics for November: 

East Region:

      Drug violence went down from 9 to 3.

      Robbery/Person went up from 0 to 4.

      Burg/Resident (7), Rape (1), Rob/Commercial (0), and Home Invasion (0) all stayed the same.

South Region:

      Shots fired went down from 43 to 34.

      Drug violence went up from 11 to 15.

      Larc/Veh went up as well from 9 to 13.

      Aggravated assault stayed the same at 8.

West Region:

      Aggravated assault stayed the same at 8.

      MVT went down from 15 to 5.

      Larc/Veh went down from 24 to 17.

      Burg/Res went up from 9 to 18.

      Rape went up from 1 to 4.

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