Server at Benton Harbor breakfast spot gets $10,000 tip

NOW: Server at Benton Harbor breakfast spot gets $10,000 tip

BENTON HARBOR, Mich. -- Anyone who’s worked in the service industry knows how unpredictable relying on tips can be, but the hard work has paid off at one local spot in Benton Harbor, The Mason Jar Cafe, where a server received a $10,000 tip Monday Afternoon.

The more than 31,000 percent tip on a $32 tab, has sparked something even greater at the local breakfast hot spot.

"It's not a high-end restaurant... it's like the local place for everybody and that makes it so special,” said Sally and Bruno Pasquinelli who say the spot is so good it keeps them coming back daily.

It was a slow Monday during a typically slower time of year for the local favorite when the unimaginable happened for server, Linsey Boyd.

"And then I looked down, and saw the ten thousand dollars and I hugged him right then and there. I didn't even know his name yet... but you just don't see that kind of generosity very often’” she said still in disbelief.

The gentleman’s name was Mark, who left the $10,000 surprise while he was in town for a memorial service, making the gesture in his late friend’s honor.

After the payment went through, the staff says it felt like something out of a movie.

"To really see it first hand, and not just read about it or see another story about it, for it to happen to our small local community is really special,” said manager Tim Sweeney.

Regulars were shocked to hear the story, but at the same time not surprised saying they cannot think of a place more worthy for something like this to happen.

"The service and the servers they've been here a long time and you feel kind of like you're at home,” said regular Lowell Korfmacher.

"Absolutely, everyone is the community feels ... that's why they are so busy ... fantastic, it's fantastic,” added the Pasquinellis.

The mother has been serving at the Mason Jar for about two years and in the service industry for 17 but has never seen anything close to this.

Coworkers say the generous gesture was more than just luck.

"She is more than deserving of this tip, couldn't have happened to a better person she's a great mother, great employee,” added Sweeney.

Boyd paid it forward splitting the tip with the seven other workers staffed that slow Monday.

She says she’ll be using some of her share to pay for her daughter’s driving lessons.

“Being kind and generous, and it doesn't have to be a $10,000 tip either, but just doing something to brighten someone's day sometimes can spiral,” said the gracious Boyd.

She says she hopes the story will be a reminder that an act of kindness of any size can go a long way, and that there is still so much good in the world.
