Senators Braun and Young introduce resolution honoring Rep. Jackie Walorski

On Sunday, Senator Mike Braun and Senator Todd Young introduced a resolution honoring the life of US Rep. Jackie Walorski who died on August 3.

The resolution passed unanimously.

The Senate recessed until Friday for Rep. Walorski's funeral on Thursday.

Honoring and celebrating the life and legacy of Representative Jackie Walorski.

Whereas Jacqueline R. Walorski (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘Jackie Walorski’’) was born on August 17, 1963, to Martha and Raymond Walorski in South Bend, Indiana;

Whereas Jackie Walorski earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications and public administration from Taylor University in 1985 and also attended Liberty Baptist University;

Whereas Jackie Walorski began her career as a television news reporter for WSBT-TV in South Bend, Indiana;

Whereas Jackie Walorski served as Executive Director of the St. Joseph County Humane Society from 1989 to 1991;

Whereas Jackie Walorski went on to work in multiple development roles at Ancilla College and Indiana University South Bend;

Whereas Jackie Walorski married the love of her life, Dean Swihart, in 1995;

Whereas Jackie Walorksi and her husband served as Christian missionaries in Romania from 2000 to 2004 and started a foundation to provide food and medical supplies to impoverished children there;

Whereas Jackie Walorski was elected to the Indiana General Assembly as State Representative for the Second District of Indiana in 2004 and served 3 terms, ultimately becoming Assistant Floor Leader;

Whereas Jackie Walorski was elected to the United States House of Representatives for the Second Congressional District of Indiana in 2012 and served 5 terms;

Whereas, beginning in 2019, Representative Walorski served as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, where she was a leader in—

(1) strengthening programs for foster youth and children involved in the child welfare system;
(2) increasing opportunities for workers of the United States to succeed; and
(3) expanding access to paid family leave and child care;

Whereas Representative Walorski was appointed to serve on the Committee on Ethics of the House of Representatives, was selected to be the Ranking Member of that committee in 2021, and worked to hold Members of the House of Representatives to the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct;

Whereas Representative Walorski co-chaired the Hunger Caucus of the House of Representatives and led bipartisan efforts to fight food insecurity, increase food donations, and provide expedited delivery of international food aid;

Whereas Representative Walorski was a champion for Hoosiers, known for her leadership on issues impacting small businesses, manufacturing, the agricultural sector, economic opportunity, the fentanyl crisis, and national security;

Whereas Representative Walorski, the daughter of an Air Force veteran, was known for her advocacy for servicemembers and veterans, including through enactment of the Veterans Mobility Safety Act of 2016 (Public Law 114–256) and legislation to extend whistleblower protections to victims of military sexual assault in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (Public Law 113–66);

Whereas Representative Walorski was known for her integrity, work ethic, passion for public service, and laughter and never wavered in her commitment to God, family, country, and Indiana; and

Whereas Representative Walorski formed strong relationships and friendships with members on both sides of the aisle:

Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That-

(1) the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Jacqueline R. Walorski, Congresswoman for the Second Congressional District of Indiana;

(2) the Senate honors Representative Walorski for her service to Indiana and the United States;

(3) the Senate respectfully requests the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit an enrolled copy thereof to the family of Representative Walorski; and

(4) when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Representative Walorski.

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