School bus safety reminder as more schools begin in-person learning

NOW: School bus safety reminder as more schools begin in-person learning

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind.-- Now that two school districts in St. Joseph County are open for in-person learning, you’ll have to once again be on the lookout for school buses and school zones.

There has been an extended time for both drivers and students a like since buses have been on the road and students have been in the class room.

Indiana State Police Sergeant Ted Bohner says its not a bad idea to refresh everyone's mind with the rules of the road.

“I think it’s easier when you don’t have to stop for a school bus. The only time you don’t have to stop for a school bus is when you’re on a road that has a physical divider in between the lanes. Whether that be a grassy median, concrete wall or cable barrier," said Bohner.

As you drive into school zones, the speed limit drops to 25 miles per hour. 

Bohner says that speed is not negotiable. Slow down, and eliminate distractions.

It takes only a split second for something tragic to happen and for lives to be changed forever.

However, students and parents also play a roll in safety.

“If they have backpacks, have something reflective. It’s always good to talk to your kids too. Talk to them about walking safety, using the sidewalk. If there isn’t one available, walking as close to the curb as possible. Them doing their part is watching for cars too," said Bohner.
