SBCSC welcome back students for in-person learning this week

NOW: SBCSC welcome back students for in-person learning this week

SOUTH BEND, Ind.-- October 14, 2020 marks the first day of in-person learning for the South Bend Community School Corporation.

The district welcomes back a small group of pre-k and kindergarten students October 9th to kick of the new hybrid learning model.

According to the latest data provided by the south bend community school corporation, stage one of the hybrid model allowed group A, pre-k through 12th grade students with last names starting with A through K will begin in-person learning.

Thursday October 15th, Group B, or all students will last names starting with L through z will begin in-person classes.

Friday is an e-learning day for all students.

Monday, October 19th marks stage two where all district students will begin a new weekly hybrid schedule that will follow this schedule:

Monday and Tuesday - Group A (Last name starts with A-K)

  • In-person classes for all grades PreK - 12, Group A
  • All students serviced through special education services life skills, autism Resource Center (full-time), SNAP, and Young Adult Services. Students in these groups attend school in-person regardless of last name (A - Z)


  • District-wide eLearning Day, except for students who are in CTE programs.

Thursday and Friday - Group B (Last name starts with L-Z)

  • In-person classes for all grades PreK - 12, Group B
  • All students serviced through special education services life skills, autism Resource Center (full-time), SNAP, and Young Adult Services. Students in these groups attend school in-person regardless of last name (A - Z)

Take a closer look at the districts full re-opening plan here
