Residents give their reasons for getting the shot

NOW: Residents give their reasons for getting the shot

SOUTH BEND, Ind. --There’s a lot to consider before you schedule your vaccine. From deciding which one you want - to when is the right time to get it - the decision is a personal choice.

“I think the benefits of the shot outweighs the risk," said South Bend Resident, Grace Darnell.

With eligibility opening up to anyone 16 years or older more people are signing up to get the vaccine, but despite more sign ups the reasons behind why people are signing up are all a bit different.

“I #GotMyShot because I care about the safety of those around me and myself," said Notre Dame Junior, Graciela Abinader.

“I #GotMyShot because I wanted to connect with my family," said Notre Dame Student, Trey Andrews.

“I #GotMyShot because I’m diabetic and so I don’t want to risk any complications if I were to get COVID," said Notre Dame Graduate Student, Jerry Crum.

After months of not being able to connect with others in person many are just excited to get back to normal interactions.

“I can’t wait to go back to live music. Go see concerts again," said South Bend Resident, Travis Darnell.

“I wanted to see all of my grandchildren and not have to worry about getting infected," said South Bend Resident, Beth North.

“I can’t wait to go to see my family that I haven’t seen in a while and take my kids on trips," said South Bend Resident, Grace Darnell.

While there’s still a long way to go for getting everyone signed up, Idriss Bah says he just signed up for his to do his part for the good of the community.

“The sooner you know we can all at least get that herd immunity or better you know the more closer we will to get to the finish line," said South Bend Resident, Idriss Bah.

Those looking to sign up for the vaccine can do so here.
