BAUGO, Ind.-- Before the school year started, 4 schools in Elkhart County were used as voting locations during the Spring election.
Due to coronavirus and kids returning back to classes, that number has been split in half for Election Day on November 3.
“This Spring we utilized more because they were available and we had locations that said no to us this spring because of the pandemic,” Elkhart County Circuit Court Clerk Christopher Anderson said.
Jimtown High School and North Side Middle School are the only school buildings being used as voting centers in the county. Students at both schools are still scheduled to attend class on Election Day.
Elkhart County Circuit Court Clerk Christopher Anderson said that these two schools have plans in place so that no voter or student paths cross as a safety precaution.
“They are able to quote on quote lock that area down so students one can’t get to that area while we are running the election on November 3rd, and two voters who are utilizing those two facilities cannot get to any other portion of the school, “Anderson said.
Along with locking those areas down, the safety put in place at surrounding voting locations are also being used at the schools.
“We will also be supplying all of our locations, all of our 29 vote centers with PPE, gloves, masks, disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer, microfiber towels, disposable styluses for the e-poll book, plexishields to go in front of the clerks, face shields if you don’t, can’t wear a face mask,” Anderson said.
Anderson said that the schools have been utilized as polling centers in Elkhart since the primary in 2014.
He said that he has no concerns with the buildings being used as voting centers during the pandemic, and to anyone who is concerned; Anderson reminds them of the restrictions in place.
“They do restrict us to an area that we can and that the voters can get to, they can’t get any further than there,” Anderson said.