Plymouth schools will begin the school year with virtual learning

Plymouth schools Superintendent Andy Hartley announced Thursday the first two weeks of school will be virtual for all students.

The Plymouth Community School Corporation will have virtual classes from August 12 to August 21.

On August 24, students who registered for in-person learning will return to school.

The decision was made to allow more time for the downward trend in COVID-19 cases to continue.

However, if COVID-19 data doesn't improve, the district may change the schedule. One option is a hybrid return where students attend in-person classes every other day. The other option is to return all students to virtual learning.

The district has been working with the Marshall County Health Department on the reopening plan.

Visit the Plymouth Community School Corporation website for additional information

Here is the letter sent to parents:

Dear PCSC Families,

I am writing with an important update regarding the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Based on a recent recommendation we have received from the Marshall County Health Department to slow the start of in-person school, PCSC will begin the school year virtually for all students.

The plan for the start of school will be as follows:

August 12 - August 21: All students participate virtually.

If you have a new student to PCSC, you will be notified by your student’s school regarding how and when to pick up their iPad.

August 24: Students who are registered for in-person learning will return to school following all previously communicated safety protocols. Students who registered for the virtual option will remain participating virtually.

It is possible if the COVID-19 data we are tracking does not improve to the level needed, some adjustments to this return could occur. These could include a hybrid return where students attend every other day at certain levels OR in a worse case scenario we continue virtually - although I am optimistic that we will be able to return if our current trends continue.

PLEASE NOTE: All students whose parents have selected to participate virtually full time will remain participating virtually at least through the first quarter.

We have been collaborating closely with the MCHD during the changes in our positive cases of COVID-19 in Marshall County. When we experienced the significant rise of positive cases recently, we did begin to question our plans for returning to school from a public health perspective. As those numbers and rates have started to decrease, we are becoming hopeful that an in-person start to school is possible sooner rather than later. However, based on our current rates, MCHD determined it is best to slow down the start of school. As such, we feel the best option is to begin virtually for all students for the first eight days of school. This will allow a little more time to ensure that the downward trend continues to an acceptable level while still starting the school year.

Extracurricular activities that have been operating or have plans to operate, may continue to do so under the direction of their respective administrators. The cohorting that has been able to occur with these groups, along with the other safety measures being implemented, has been helpful in observing effective protocols.

More specific information from your student’s school will be sent soon.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we continue to strive to make the best decisions for our schools and our community.

Andy Hartley, Superintendent

Estimadas familias de PCSC:

Estoy escribiendo con una actualización importante sobre el inicio del año escolar 2020-2021. Según la recomendación que recibimos del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Marshall para retrasar el inicio del aprendizaje en persona, PCSC comenzará el año escolar prácticamente para todos los estudiantes.

El plan para el inicio de clases será el siguiente:

12 de agosto - 21 de agosto: Todos los estudiantes participan virtualmente.

Si tiene un nuevo estudiante para PCSC, la escuela de su estudiante le notificará sobre cómo y cuándo adquirir su iPad.

24 de agosto: Los estudiantes que están registrados para el aprendizaje en persona regresarán a la escuela siguiendo todos los protocolos de seguridad previamente comunicados.

Es posible si los datos de COVID-19 que estamos rastreando no mejoran al nivel necesario, podrían ocurrir algunos ajustes a este retorno. Estos podrían incluir un retorno híbrido donde los estudiantes asisten cada dos días en ciertos niveles O en el peor de los casos, continuamos virtualmente, aunque estoy optimista de que podremos regresar si nuestras tendencias actuales continúan.

TENGA EN CUENTA: Todos los estudiantes cuyos padres han seleccionado participar virtualmente a tiempo completo seguirán participando virtualmente durante esta transición.

Hemos estado colaborando estrechamente con el MCHD (Departamento de Salud del Condado de Marshall) durante los cambios en nuestros casos positivos de COVID-19 en el Condado de Marshall. Cuando experimentamos el aumento significativo de casos positivos recientemente, comenzamos a cuestionar nuestros planes para regresar a la escuela desde una perspectiva de salud pública. A medida que esos números y tasas han comenzado a disminuir, tenemos la esperanza de que el inicio de la escuela en persona sea posible más temprano que tarde. Sin embargo, según nuestras tarifas actuales, MCHD consideró que era mejor reducir la velocidad del inicio. Para nosotros, creemos que la mejor opción es comenzar virtualmente para todos los estudiantes durante los primeros ocho días de escuela. Esto permitirá un poco más de tiempo para garantizar que la tendencia a la baja continúe a un nivel aceptable mientras se inicia el año escolar.

Las actividades extracurriculares que han estado operando o tienen planes de operar, pueden continuar haciéndolo bajo la dirección de sus respectivos administradores. La cohorte que ha podido ocurrir con estos grupos, junto con los participantes con máscaras, ha sido útil y ha sido un buen ejemplo.

Pronto se enviará más información de la escuela de su hijo.

Gracias por su comprensión y apoyo mientras continuamos esforzándonos por tomar las mejores decisiones para nuestras escuelas y nuestra comunidad.

Andy Hartley

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