Over 150,000 Hoosiers have not claimed their stimulus checks

NOW: Over 150,000 Hoosiers have not claimed their stimulus checks

SOUTH BEND, Ind.-- The Notre Dame Tax Clinic wants the public to know that thousands of Hoosiers may still be eligible to receive an Economic Impact Payment, commonly known as a “Stimulus Check."

In a press release sent to ABC57, the clinic states: 

According to the IRS website, more than 150,000 Hoosiers will be receiving a special mailing this month asking them to check their eligibility to receive an Economic Impact Payment.

People who have little or no income, didn't file a tax return for 2019, and don't receive federal benefits, may still be eligible for an Economic Impact Payment.

The IRS cautions that receiving a letter is not a guarantee of eligibility. An individual is likely eligible for an Economic Impact Payment if they:

    - Are a U.S. citizen or resident alien.

    - Have a work-eligible Social Security number.

    - Can't be claimed as a dependent on someone else's federal income tax return.

In order to claim their stimulus check, individuals must register with the Non-Filer tool on IRS.gov.

The registration deadline for non-filers to claim an Economic Impact Payment through the Non-Filers tool is October 15, 2020.

People may seek help with registering on the Non-filers tool by calling the United Way's 211 Helpline at 844-322-3639.

It operates 24/7 with live agents available 10 am - 6 pm ET M-F through October 15, 2020.

The Helpline can also answer specific questions about the EIP, including eligibility.

“It was so important to the IRS to let citizens know that they may still be able to receive these checks. They started a campaign where they’re sending out letters to individuals they thought may be eligible. If you do get one of these letters, it also has these instructions on there. If you didn’t receive the letter, you may actually still be eligible. You don’t have to have had received the letter to qualify for the check," said Notre Dame Tax Clinic Paralegal, Mary Jo Anderson.

For more information on The Notre Dame Tax Clinic visit law.nd.edu/taxclinic.
