Need for volunteers at Benton Harbor water distributions
BENTON HARBOR, Mich. -- A lack of help at a water distribution at Abundant Life Church Monday lead to an urgent call for volunteers.
State Sen. Kim Lasata posted photos on Facebook of cases of water piled up, ready to be given out, but she said only five volunteers showed up – preventing them from starting the event.
“Same struggle is our struggle, we live in the city limits so it’s pretty frustrating but we’d offer help as much as we can,” said Ashley Gee, a Benton Harbor resident.
Ashley Gee is living with Benton Harbor’s water crisis everyday as a resident herself, but being part of the solution and making sure her neighbors get the bottled water they need does give her comfort.
“I have three daughters so it’s hard when I have to remind them to not use the water, I have sticky notes on the mirrors to let them know, they’re wanting to know when it’s going to end and when they can drink water freely.”
While Ashley has been at just about every distribution at Abundant Life since they started at the beginning of the month, for some, today was their first.
“It’s a great way to spend a couple hours and everyone who comes to get the water is very appreciative and as you can see we used it all today,” said Kathy Wrzcek, a St. Joseph resident.
With no end in sight to residents needing to drink bottled water, they’re going to need more people stepping up.
“I would hope people could spare a couple hours, it’s not really that much work and I will definitely come back as often as they need me,” said Wrzcek.
There will be a water distribution Wednesday at Southwest Michigan Community Action Agency on Miller Street from 1-3.