Mosquitoes take over Lake of the Woods

BREMEN, Ind. --  An update on the flooding problems in Lake of the Woods: The high water levels have not receded quite as fast as homeowners hoped. And now it is breeding a new problem, mosquitoes.

"It's been a tough go, I mean we get up every morning and ask why…why is this being done to us?" said Dale Holderman, Lake of the Woods homeowner of more than forty years.  Holderman feels like he is fighting an impossible battle: several inches of water, countless mosquitoes, and no end in sight.

"We asked somebody from the DNR to come down and take a look because it is not draining, now the issues are worse because now we are getting bugs.  Never have the mosquitoes been this bad." explained Annette Fox, Holderman’s daughter.  Her grandchildren are covered in mosquito bites, almost to the point where it looks more like they have the chicken pox.  "So now on top of it we have to watch them for their scratching, and maybe making scars and the virus that’s going around; it's a health issue now." said Fox.  

What used to be plush green grass is now a breeding ground for mosquitoes, bugs, and disease, inlcuding west nile. Now some Bremen residents are making another desperate plea for the DNR to help.


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