Michiana remembers 9/11

NOW: Michiana remembers 9/11

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The local South Bend and Elkhart communities remembered 9/11 through art, song, and a 21 mile tribute. 

This morning the Saint Joseph Medical Center welcomed staff, visitors, and local fire and police officials to come and spend time with the 9/11 Memorial. Mishawaka Mayor Wood, hospital employees, and Greg Nowak all used their voices to unite in prayer and thought. 

Greg Nowak is a South Bend native who has chosen to share his voice and self-composed song "American Lullaby" with the St. Joseph Hospital community for the past 5 years. 

While writing a play about the 9/11 tragedy amidst the aftermath, Nowak said that he was perplexed and did not know how he was going to finish it. Nowak then asked for God to help give him the best words through prayer. He then laid his head on the kitchen table and felt a warm breeze from the window where he then was inspired to write his composition of healing and hope. 

Nowak said that everyone has gifts and talents that can be blessings to others; it does not have to be money, or power rather just being there for others and giving of yourself is gift enough. 

For almost 12 hours today a group fluctuating from 20 to 40 people walked 21 miles in honor of a 21 gun salute. 

The group lead by founder, Bob Lyons, participated in the March to the Memorial a new, annual walk that stops through the local fire stations and carries the stars and stripes on their shoulders. 

Lyons started this walk in South Bend after participating in the "March to the Arch" in St. Louis. 

The walk began at 9:11 am near Ireland Road and ended at St. Patrick's County Park.

The participants walked through the sweltering heat to honor the fallen souls and to take a stand so this day is remembered, acted upon, and not just another day in the history books. 

Finally, in Elkhart, community members participating in the bi-weekly Art Walk used their stage today in remembrance. 

Through art and music the community used their talents to share the message that this day will not be soon forgotten. 

Local artist, Todd Yeager, has only been painting recently within the last 3 months, however he said that no matter your ability--everyone has the time and talent to share their memories from that tragic day. 

But all three events rang the same truth: this day showed the world who the United States was and what hope truly means. 

A country that united, is filled with strength, and where daily we walk among heroes.

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