Gov. Holcomb: State to remain in Stage 4.5 another month, mask mandate extended

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Governor Eric Holcomb announced Wednesday the state will remain at Stage 4.5 until the end of September. He also extended the mask order another 30 days.
Governor Holcomb made the announcement during his weekly press conference Wednesday afternoon.
The state is also creating a new map that is designed for schools and local officials to understand the county's community spread. Blue means minimal community spread, yellow is moderate spread, orange is moderate to high and red is high community spread.
Each category has additional guidance for schools regarding in person classes, extracurricular activities and sports.
The state figures the state's rating based on the number of new cases per 100,000 residents, the percent positivity and the previous positivity rate.
The map will be live on Wednesday September 2 and will be updated weekly.