First Friday of March starts with a tournament in downtown Goshen

NOW: First Friday of March starts with a tournament in downtown Goshen

GOSHEN, Ind. - March is tournament time in Goshen. The city is celebrating "First Friday" of March with a downtown day tournament.

Organizers say while others call it madness, they call it "March Gladness".

Friday night kicks off a month-long contest for folks to vote on their favorite downtown establishment and pick their best day ever in downtown Goshen, like treat yourself day, tourist day, or a cozy day.

Mykayla Hurtkant, Youth Support Specialist at Post Youth Center, stated, "I've really loved the community in Goshen. I just feel like anywhere I go, any time I'm out, and about anything I'm doing, I just feel this connectedness to the people I'm with and the people that are around me."

Voting just started today. And right now, it's a close race between foodie day and arts day.

If you'd like to cast your pick of the eight contenders, you can do so here.

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