Equifax settlement claim deadline Wednesday night

The deadline to file a personal claim against Equifax for the 2017 data breach is Wednesday night.

According to the Equifax Data Breach Settlement Website, "If you request or have requested a cash benefit, the amount you receive may be significantly reduced depending on how many valid claims are ultimately submitted by other class members. Based on the number of potentially valid claims that have been submitted to date, payments for time spent and alternative compensation of up to $125 likely will be substantially lowered and will be distributed on a proportional basis if the settlement becomes final. Depending on the number of additional valid claims filed, the amount you receive may be a small percentage of your initial claim."

Previously, Equifax claimed they would pay upwards of $700 million to settle claims filed against them. 

For more information, and to file your claim, visit equifaxbreachsettlement.com before the end of Wednesday.

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