Elkhart Art Walk returns downtown

The Elkhart Art Walk is back! Art, music, and food will be a highlight of Thursday's downtown showcase.

More than 20 different artists will be featured, including versatile pastel, oil and drawings of Cristie Lechlitner , chalk paintings from Kathy Strang, and Mosaic House clients.

The Midwest Museum of American Art will open its main gallery to the public free of charge during the hours of the Art Walk from 5pm-8pm.

The Civic Plaza will also host two art projects that will appeal to both children and adults.
The first is Squirt art, using squirt guns of paint on a brick alleyway.

The second is  Final Touch, a large paint-by-numbers mural project that was begun during the May 11 ArtWalk.

Watch the interview above to learn more.

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