Cubs Owner Andrew Berlin responds to protestors

NOW: Cubs Owner Andrew Berlin responds to protestors

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Thursday, ABC 57 news took you just outside Four Winds Field, where about 50 local contractors protested South Bend’s decision to hire out of town workers to build the future Ivy at Berlin Place.

Now, South Bend Cubs Owner Andrew Berlin is reacting out to those frustrated local contractors, protesting right outside the stadium.

“I saw some of the guys with their signs about supporting local workers out on Lafayette and Western I got this idea we're all neighbors after all got a whole bunch of hot dogs, bottles of water, they looked hungry and thirsty we welcomed them like neighbors would welcome neighbors," said Berlin.

Friday, Berlin told ABC 57 News, the local contractors protesting outside the stadium appreciated the free food but Thursday, the mood outside the stadium was much different.

About 50 local contractors held up signs, some with the words "local jobs for local workers," outside Four Winds Field on Thursday.

Friday, Berlin called their frustration a "city issue," and cited state law which he says gives South Bend the right to give the responsible bidder with the lowest bid, the business, which in this case is building Ivy at Berlin Place.

“I think with the South Bend Cubs we’ve used a lot of union laboring and continue to use a lot of union labor over 10 million dollars of renovation here used union labor, we're going to be using union labor at our project here for the Ivy at Berlin Place but they had other issues they wanted to make sure folks heard about but those issues," said Berlin.

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