Cool Schools- Lincoln Junior High


Students in Plymouth are taking to the airwaves in their school.

Although they are only in middle school, they are already preparing their very own daily TV and radio shows.

Phil Scott, one of the Interactive Media teachers, said "it introduces the kids to the world of Interactive Media. But if it can just help with their public speaking and help with their confidence and understand that it's more than just a face in front of the camera."

Every day students learn how to anchor, produce, write and edit scripts and even run the teleprompter.  

And with a daily newscast every school day students get to partake in all of these journalistic activities in a more in depth atmosphere.

Maddi Joseph, an 8th grader taking this course, said she enjoys this class because she wants to give the audience positive stories about what happens in the world.

"We are just trying to get them to understand not only how to connect with the media but also digitally how to be positive digital citizens in the world," said Reid Gault, Lincoln Junior High Principal.

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