‘Buy local’ challenge in Berrien County circulating social media

BERRIEN COUNTY, Mich.—A challenge that is circulating social media asking community members to buy locally has reached the Berrien County Commissioners’ office.

At the December 10 meeting, Berrien County Commissioner Teri Freehling challenged her fellow commissioners to support local businesses by participating in the “Buy Local Berrien Challenge.”

The challenge was recently announced by the Southwest Michigan Regional Chamber.

To participate, community members are asked to get take-out or purchase a gift card from a favorite small business currently impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.

Then, community members are asked to post a photo of the take-out or purchase on their social media pages and in the Buy Local Berrien! Facebook group.

Participants then nominate three friends to complete the challenge by tagging them in the post.

The Facebook group, which is run by the chamber of commerce, by Friday afternoon had collected nearly 11,000 members.

Our own Meteorologist Emily Kennedy, ABC57 Saturday Kickoff Host Allison Hayes and Reporter Roxie Elliott participated in the challenge by sharing photos of their take-out online and nominating their friends to do so, too.

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