Breaking down the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill

NOW: Breaking down the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill

WASHINGTON D.C.-- “The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track is to beat the virus,” says President Joe Biden.

Thursday, President Joe Biden, made his first primetime address as the nation reached one year since the COVID-19 outbreak was declared a national pandemic. President Biden reflecting on half a million US lives lost, and the country’s resilience as vaccine rollouts continue to increase.

“Finding Light in the darkness is a very American thing to do,” says President Biden.

Just hours before the address, Biden also signing a $1.9 trillion relief package to help struggling Americans. The bill providing economic relief for small businesses, housing assistance, and additional vaccinations and testing.

“All adult Americans will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than May 1st,” says President Biden.  

The speech marks the start of a campaign for Biden and Harris who are planning to travel to multiple states to help implement federal aid programs funded by the bill. The campaign’s first stop will be next Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

Breaking down the $1.9 trillion relief package:

First the stimulus checks, the bill provides direct payments worth up to $1,400 per person to married couples earning less than$160,000, and individuals earning less than $80,000. Now, for those who do qualify, these payments top up the $600 checks approved in December.

If you are unemployed, the jobless receive $300 weekly boost to unemployment benefits through September 6th.

If you have children, qualifying families with minor children will be able to claim a larger child tax credit for 2021, a total of $3,600 for each child under 6.

What about the rest? 15% increase in food stamps, $70 billion dollars to increase vaccine and testing capabilities, $30 billion dollars for rental assistance, $57 billion for small businesses, and $350 billion to states for relief as well.

Of course, a lot of this relief found in the bill depends on your personal situation.
