Batman Day: The Dark Knight Trilogy re-release

Batman Day: The Dark Knight Trilogy re-release

Saturday, September 16th, is Batman Day, the 84th anniversary and celebration of the character, since he was first created and debuted in "Detective Comics" in 1939. 

Celebrated on every third Saturday of September, this 84th anniversary will be celebrated with the re-release of Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Trilogy". 

You can see "The Dark Knight" faceoff against iconic villains like Ra's Al Ghul, Bane, Joker, Scarecrow, Carmine Falcone, and Salvatore Maroni, on the big screen. 

Keep in mind that "The Dark Knight Trilogy" is rated PG-13. 

You can see the full Ultimate Trilogy Trailer here

Get tickets to see "The Dark Knight Trilogy" at Cinemark and AMC
