Berrien Springs neighbors reflect on record flooding 1 year later

NOW: Berrien Springs neighbors reflect on record flooding 1 year later

BERRIEN SPRINGS, Mich -- Today marks the one year anniversary of the historic flooding that happened across Michiana.

Berrien Springs was among the areas hardest to be hit, forcing a mobile home community to be evacuated. 

But you wouldn't know that by looking at this community today; residents tell ABC 57 that they remember that day like it was yesterday. 

Last year at this time, 32 homes were destroyed and 60 were in need of repair and mold inspections, when major flooding attacked the Real Springs Estate mobile home community. 

"We were evacuated from our house, they were going to open the dam and the water was going to come in," said resident Tina Baker who lived in the community at the time of the flooding.

"We were in a little bit of a panic we didn't think it was going to end up like it did end up we thought an hour or two we would be back in our home," Baker said.

Once Baker was allowed back unto her property when the storm was over she couldn't believe what she saw.

The flood water reached up to 19 inches from the ground causing extreme damage to her home and furniture.

"We lost all of our furnishings pretty much anything that got wet sat there for two weeks kept climbing and destroyed what it touched," Baker said.

Baker's next door neighbors, Dana Mischke and Kyle Lewis, were told to evacuate as well when the water started to travel to the community. 

Mischke's home is lifted up higher than most homes so it suffered little damage. Mischke explains the damage to the homes near hers. 

"The one next to us got condemned on top of two houses next to us and the ones down the street," Mischke said. 

As for Baker, her home at the time of the flooding was condemned due to mold. She has a new home on the next street over. 

With help from some organizations, she was also able to get new furnishings.
