Mixed-income homes set to begin construction in West Side South Bend

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Following $25 million investment approvals, ground is set to break on affordable housing.

There are 120 homes that are set for development in South Bend’s West Side. Advocate for the investment and 2nd District Council Member Ophelia Gooden-Rodgers is thrilled to see these options being built.

“Homes all over Indiana are needed, but it’s needed more so on the west side of town because we haven’t had anything built there that’s been affordable for years,” she said.

The construction is planned for next year and will go through 2029. The homes will be two to four bedrooms.

“When you’re putting $25 million into this area here, you’ll see ripple waves for people needing to shop and buy gas. I think this will also spur some growth for local businesses along the Lincoln way corridor,” said President of Redevelopment Commission Troy Warner, speaking about the importance of this project.

The homes will be split into varying affordability categories. Forty homes will be for those that make less than 80% of the area median income. Seventeen will be between 80-120% of the median. The rest will be market rate.

Project funds will be delivered over the next 5 years in an allocated $5 million dollars from the city and the remaining $20 million privately financed by Affordable HomeMatters Indiana.

Most residents are not too welcoming of the new housing project. When asked whether the city spoke with homeowners,
Cecil McCoy said “No, not at all.”

Despite the pushback, “To be able to watch them plant flowers or see their children run around and have their own bedroom or cook in their own kitchen. So, I think that’s a joy when you own a home,” Ophelia Gooden-Rodgers stated.

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